Horatio Salt And The Book Of The Dead Mac OS

The Book of the Dead is an ancient Egyptian funerary text generally written on papyrus and used from the beginning of the New Kingdom (around 1550 BCE) to around 50 BCE. The original Egyptian name for the text, transliterated rw nw prt m hrw, is translated as Book of Coming Forth by Day or Book of Emerging Forth into the Light. The Book of the Dead 1550 BCE It's a loose collection of spells and incantations used in the funerary rites of ancient Egypt — priests and temples had their own practices, complied into prayer books, manuals and painted onto funerary objects. But without wishing to pour salt in the wound, now would be a really good time to take a look at your back-up strategy. You can find a very comprehensive backup strategy here: How to back up your Mac. Editor's note: The Book of the Dead is not a book. It's a loose collection of spells and incantations used in the funerary rites of ancient Egypt — priests and temples had their own practices, complied into prayer books, manuals and painted onto funerary objects. Airport Utility is standard in Mac OS on your Mac. And you can freely downloaded it from the App Store for IOS for your iPhone or iPad. It’s also on the Apple App store for free download, for your Windows PC. And the beauty is that you can use an iPad, iPhone or iPad Touch to set up and manage the Airport Time Capsule.

Version 6.0

Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edition

Released beginning February 20, 2021

Changes to the Ballad Index Format

The Ballad Index Software has a new feature in the song list: It gives you a visual indicator of how long the Notes are. If the text of the Notes button is in plain text, the notes are short (less than 250 words). If the Notes text is in bold, then the notes are more than 250 words. If Notes is both bold and in blue, then the notes are at least 1000 words.

With this release, all books cited in the references (except Child, Laws, Greig/Duncan, Peacock, and Randolph) have the sort of expanded short names described in the What's New for Version 5.3.

The Roud Index

This edition coordinates with Roud Index release 119.

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were fully indexed in Version 6.0:

  • Michael E. Bush, Folk Songs of Central West Virginia, volumes 1-5
  • John Wesley Work, Folk Song of the American Negro

The following books were partially indexed in Version 6.0:

  • George F. Root, The Story of a Musical Life: An Autobiography of George F. Root
  • The Forget Me Not Songster
  • Heart Songs
  • The Jolly Miller Songster (Fifth Edition)

This brings the total number of books indexed fully or partially to 423 (343 of them indexed in their entirety), with hundreds more cited in ADDITIONAL entries or the SAME TUNE field.

We now have 15142 different songs (84 more than in the last edition), under 27181 titles. At least 735 songs were added or had their entries updated in version 6.0 (not counting changes to the book names).

The Supplemental Tradition now contains full or partial texts for 1085 songs.

There are 694 songs for which the NOTES exceed 500 words; 295 with at least 1000 words of notes; 37 with at least 5000 words of notes.

684 songs have enough data in the notes to call for a bibliography of at least three items.

Fun statistics:

The five most popular songs:
1. Bonny Barbara Allan (165 references)
2. The Golden Vanity (128 references)
3. The Gypsy Laddie (127 references)
4. Young Beichan (110 references)
5. Lord Thomas and Fair Annet (109 references)

(The most popular non-Child Ballad? Frog Went A-Courting, with 103 references; it's co-#8. Next below it is Pretty Fair Maid (The Maiden in the Garden; The Broken Token) [Laws N42], with 88 references; it's #15.)

7225 songs -- somewhat less than half the song in the database -- have only one reference (or, in a few cases, none).

12138 songs are listed as having unknown authors, meaning that 3004 songs have an author listed (not always with certainty).

14353 songs have at least one book reference
3697 songs have at least one recording reference
1417 songs have at least one reference to a broadside in a major collection (Bodleian, etc.)
174 songs have at least one manuscript reference

6618 songs have been found somewhere in the United States
4021 songs have been found in Britain
2057 have been found in Canada
1721 have been found in Ireland (including Northern Ireland)
419 have been found in Australia
348 have been found somewhere in the West Indies
263 have been found in New Zealand

Version 5.3

Released beginning December 1, 2020.

Changes to the Ballad Index Format

The single largest change is the incorporation of Manuscript citations (shown under the References). This allows you to find citations of items that are not in printed media. We have also started indexing songsters. Manuscripts have been included in the Bibliography.

In conjunction with the Manuscripts mechanism, we have added a new 'MiddleEnglish' keyword to facilitate locating items not in Modern English. (We have followed the convention that the Middle English period runs until 1500, although items found in Richard Hill's manuscript have been granted honorary MiddleEnglish status because the language he grew up with was, by this definition, Middle English.)

We're starting to try to rationalize the names of the books in the Index, and to make them easier to understand at a glance. For example, Francis Abernethy's Singin' Texas, formerly indexed as 'Abernethy,' is now 'Abernethy-SingingTexas.' This will be an ongoing project.

The Ballad Index software has new Find features, and you can now do pop-up views of entries in the Roud Indices. Recordings and Manuscripts have been included in the Bibliography.

The Roud Index

This edition coordinates with Roud Index release 118.

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were fully indexed in Version 5.3:

  • George List, Singing About It: Folk Song in Southern Indiana
  • James Porter and Herschel Gower, Jeannie Robertson: Emergent Singer, Transformative Voice
  • Elizabeth Anne Salt, Buckeye Heritage: Ohio's History in Song
  • N. Howard 'Jack' Thorp, with a Foreword by Guy Logsdon, Songs of the Cowboys (cited in parallel with the Thorp/Fife edition of the first edition of Thorp's book)

The following books were partially indexed in Version 5.3:

  • Hugh Anderson, editor; Charles R. Thatcher, songwriter, Charles Thatcher's Gold-Diggers' Songbook
  • Carleton Brown and Rossell Hope Robbins, The Index of Middle English Verse (plus its supplement, Rossell Hope Robbins and John L. Cutler, Supplement to the Index of Middle English Verse)
  • Richard Leighton Greene, The Early Engish Carols
  • John W. Hales and Frederick J. Furnivall, Bishop Percy's Folio Manuscript: Ballads and Romances (N.B. the fourth volume of 'Loose and Humorous Songs,' by Furnivall alone, is also cited, but as Additional entries because so few of the songs in it can be shown to be traditional.)
  • John C. Hirsh, Medieval Lyric: Middle English Lyrics, Ballads, and Carols
  • The New Comic Songster (Oliver Ditson and Co., 1870)
  • Frank Sidgwick and E. K. Chambers, Early English Lyrics

The following web site is also cited, generally in parallel with Brown and Robbins:

  • The DIMEV: An Open-Access, Digital Edition of the Index of Middle English Verse, at https://www.dimev.net/index.html.

This brings the total number of books indexed fully or partially to 411 (335 of them indexed in their entirety), with hundreds more cited in ADDITIONAL entries or the SAME TUNE field.

We now have 15058 different songs (166 more than in the last edition), under 26575 titles. At least 837 songs were added or had their entries updated in version 5.3.

The Supplemental Tradition now contains full or partial texts for 1092 songs.

There are 674 songs for which the NOTES exceed 500 words; 278 with at least 1000 words of notes; 34 with at least 5000 words of notes.

667 songs have enough data in the notes to call for a bibliography of at least three items.

Fun statistics:

The five most popular songs:
1. Bonny Barbara Allan (161 references)
2T. The Golden Vanity (127 references)
2T. The Gypsy Laddie (127 references)
4. Young Beichan (108 references)
5. Lord Thomas and Fair Annet (107 references)

(The most popular non-Child Ballad? Frog Went A-Courting, with 102 references; it's co-#8. Next below it is Pretty Fair Maid (The Maiden in the Garden; The Broken Token) [Laws N42], with 87 references; it's #15.)

7188 songs -- somewhat less than half the song in the database -- have only one reference (or, in a few cases, none).

12088 songs are listed as having unknown authors, meaning that 2970 songs have an author listed (not always with certainty).

14268 songs have at least one book reference
3696 songs have at least one recording reference
1407 songs have at least one reference to a broadside in a major collection (Bodleian, etc.)
174 songs have at least one manuscript reference

6570 songs have been found somewhere in the United States
4019 songs have been found in Britain
2058 have been found in Canada
1722 have been found in Ireland (including Northern Ireland)
419 have been found in Australia
348 have been found somewhere in the West Indies
263 have been found in New Zealand

Version 5.2

Released beginning July 27, 2020.

Changes to the Ballad Index Format

There have been some minor changes to the Ballad Index software. The song list display now shows how many records have been found, and the Find by Field form now has a button showing the form of the data in the 'Found In' field.

We now have -- with thanks to the Traditional Song Forum -- a series of YouTube videos explaining the Ballad Index. The first of these is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rotpS3b6uc&list=PLEFtLCJWnIFZ_zZpwdbhK9iaajC42sDoY, or search YouTube for the Traditional Song Forum or the Traditional Ballad Index.

The search page now has a DuckDuckGo search form as well as a Google search form. Our experience is that the Google form is better at finding good matches, but you can use whichever meets your needs.

The Roud Index

This edition coordinates with Roud Index release 118.

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were fully indexed in Version 5.2:

  • Hugh Anderson, Farewell to Old England
  • The Arkansas Woodchopper (Luther Ossenbrink), The Arkansas Woodchopper's World's Greatest Collection of Cowboy Songs with Yodel Arrangements
  • E. C. (Earl Clifton) Beck, Lore of the Lumber Camps
  • Gale Huntington, Folksongs from Martha's Vineyard (Northeast Folklore, Volume VIII)
  • Ronald G. Killion and Charles T. Waller, A Treasury of Georgia Folklore

The following books were partially indexed in Version 5.2:

  • Edward Harrigan and David Braham (edited by Jon W. Finson), Edward Harrigan and David Braham (2 volumes)
  • Douglas Stewart and Nancy Keesing, Favorite Australian Ballads

This brings the total number of books indexed fully or partially to 402 (333 of them indexed in their entirety), with hundreds more cited in ADDITIONAL entries or the SAME TUNE field.

We now have 14892 different songs (164 more than in the last edition), under 26449 titles. At least 906 songs were added or had their entries updated in version 5.1.

The Supplemental Tradition now contains full or partial texts for 1079 songs.

There are 640 songs for which the NOTES exceed 500 words; 263 with at least 1000 words of notes; 34 with at least 5000 words of notes.

641 songs have enough data in the notes to call for a bibliography of at least three items.

Fun statistics:

The five most popular songs:
1. Bonny Barbara Allan (157 references)
2. The Golden Vanity (125 references)
3. The Gypsy Laddie (124 references)
4. Young Beichan (108 references)
5. The Daemon Lover/The House Carpenter (105 references)

(The most popular non-Child Ballad? Frog Went A-Courting, with 101 references; it's co-#8.)

(Interestingly, I added only one reference to the top five ballads in this release. We're getting into more obscure material....)

7116 songs -- somewhat less than half the song in the database -- have only one reference (or, in a few cases, none).

11978 songs are listed as having unknown authors, meaning that 2914 songs have an author listed (not always with certainty).

14109 songs have at least one book reference
3678 songs have at least one recording reference
1400 songs have at least one reference to a broadside in a major collection (Bodleian, etc.)

6547 songs have been found somewhere in the United States
3987 songs have been found in Britain
2057 have been found in Canada
1722 have been found in Ireland (including Northern Ireland)
419 have been found in Australia
348 have been found somewhere in the West Indies
263 have been found in New Zealand

Version 5.1

Released beginning April 2, 2020.

Changes to the Ballad Index Format

The Ballad Index is now being compiled with a newer version of FileMaker Pro, so the Mac edition of the software requires Mac OS X 10.12 or higher. If you need a version for an older Mac OS, talk to us and we'll see what we can do. This is not an issue if you use the text or html editions.

The Roud Index

This edition coordinates with Roud Index release 117.

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were fully indexed in Version 5.1:

  • Robert D. Bethke, Adirondack Voices: Woodsmen and Woods Lore
  • Joan Brocklebank and Biddie Kindersley, A Dorset Book of Folk Songs
  • Thomas G. Burton and Ambrose N. Manning, (The East Tennessee State University Collection of Folklore:) Folksongs [I]
  • Thomas G. Burton and Ambrose N. Manning, (The East Tennessee State University Collection of Folklore:) Folksongs II
  • Katherine C. Hutson, Josephine Pinckney, and Caroline Pinckney Rutledge, 'Some Songs the Negro Sang' (article in Augustine T. Smythe et al, The Carolina Low-Country)
  • Terry Kinsey, Songs of the Sea
  • Tina Lewis, Favorite Michigan Folk Songs
  • Cyril Tawney, Grey Funnel Lines: Traditional Song & Verse of the Royal Navy 1900-1970
  • László Vikár and Jeanette Panagapka, Songs of the North Woods: As Sung by O. J. Abbott and Collected by Edith Fowke

No books were partially indexed in version 5.1.

This brings the total number of books indexed fully or partially to 395 (327 of them indexed in their entirety), with hundreds more cited in ADDITIONAL entries or the SAME TUNE field.

We now have 14728 different songs (211 more than in the last edition), under 26176 titles. At least 1010 songs were added or had their entries updated in version 5.1.

The Supplemental Tradition now contains full or partial texts for 1076 songs.

There are 605 songs for which the NOTES exceed 500 words; 247 with at least 1000 words of notes; 32 with at least 5000 words of notes.

593 songs have enough data in the notes to call for a bibliography of at least three items.

Fun statistics:

The five most popular songs:
1. Bonny Barbara Allan (156 references)
2. The Golden Vanity (125 references)
3. The Gypsy Laddie (124 references)
4. Young Beichan (108 references)
5. The Daemon Lover/The House Carpenter (105 references)

(There is an ongoing struggle between The House Carpenter, Lady Isabel, and Lord Thomas and Fair Annet for that #5 spot. Two editions ago, The House Carpenter was on top. In the last release, Lady Isabel made it to #5. Now The House Carpenter is on top again.)

(The most popular non-Child Ballad? Frog Went A-Courting, with 100 references; it's #9.)

7038 songs -- somewhat less than half the song in the database -- have only one reference (or, in a few cases, none).

11850 songs are listed as having unknown authors, meaning that 2878 songs have an author listed (not always with certainty).

13985 songs have at least one book reference
3614 songs have at least one recording reference
1386 songs have at least one reference to a broadside in a major collection (Bodleian, etc.)

6475 songs have been found somewhere in the United States
3985 songs have been found in Britain
2054 have been found in Canada
1721 have been found in Ireland (including Northern Ireland)
417 have been found in Australia
344 have been found somewhere in the West Indies
263 have been found in New Zealand

Version 5.0

Released beginning December 3, 2019.

Changes to the Ballad Index Format

With Version 5.0, the Ballad Index is now released in unicode, so that we can include such things as accented French and German letters, text in languages such as Greek, and super- and subscripts. The conversion is not yet complete -- not with two decades of records to update! -- but most of the more significant records have been improved.

To ensure that people can read the files, we are now releasing a separate ASCII version of the index, but for those who can handle unicode, use of the unicode version is recommended.

The Ballad Index software has also been updated in several regards:

  • The list of songs found now has pop-up buttons that allow you to read the song description, list of references, Roud entries, or notes without going to the main entry, making it easier to determine if you have found the song you want
  • In the Bibliography, a button allows you to find all songs in the Ballad Index that are found in this book. (Note: This is a lot more reliable when the book name is not the name of a song as well!) There is also a button to find entries in the Roud Folk Song Index.
  • Songs with multiple Roud numbers can now display the first Roud number rather than failing.
  • The display of full song entries has been improved to make it easier to find Roud Numbers and other elements.
  • Several bugs in the Supplemental Tradition have been fixed.

In addition, this version has added many hundred additional Roud references, particularly broadside references.

The Roud Index

This edition coordinates with Roud Index release 116.

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were fully indexed in Version 5.0:

  • E. C. (Earl Clifton) Beck, They Knew Paul Bunyan
  • John Paddy Browne, Folk Songs of Old Hampshire
  • Natalie Curtis-Burlin, Negro Folk-Songs: The Hampton Series
  • Warren Fahey, Pint Pot and Billy
  • Fred Hamer, Garners Gay
  • Fred Hamer, Green Groves: More English Folk Songs
  • Anthony Hopkins, Songs from the Front & Rear: Canadian Servicemen's Songs of the Second World War
  • Stan Hugill, Songs of the Sea
  • Maud Karpeles, The Crystal Spring: English Folk Songs Collected by Cecil Sharp
  • Kaye Pottie and Vernon Ellis, Folksongs of the Maritimes
  • Ethel Park Richardson (edited and arranged by Sigmund Spaeth), American Mountain Songs
  • Marion Holcomb Skean, Circle Left! Folk-play of the Kentucky Mountains
  • Joseph Ritson, Robin Hood
  • Alan L. Spurgeon, Waltz the Hall: The American Play Party

The following books were partially indexed in Version 5.0:

  • Hugh Anderson, Goldrush Songster
  • Hugh Anderson, The Colonial Minstrel
  • Philip S. Foner, American Labor Songs of the Nineteenth Century
  • Robert Hoskins, Goldfield Balladeer: The Life and Times of the celebrated Charles R. Thatcher
  • Joseph Ritson, Ancient Songs and Ballads from The Reign of King Henry the Second to the Revolution (Third Edition Carefully Revised by W. Carew Hazlitt)
  • Charles R. Thatcher, Colonial Minstrel
  • Robert H. B. Hoskins, editor, Charles Thatcher: 'Life on the Goldfields': An Entertainment

This brings the total number of books indexed fully or partially to 385 (318 of them indexed in their entirety), with hundreds more cited in ADDITIONAL entries or the SAME TUNE field.

We now have 14516 different songs (209 more than in the last edition), under 25782 titles. At least 1895 songs were added or had their entries updated in version 5.0.

The Supplemental Tradition now contains full or partial texts for 1075 songs.

There are 578 songs for which the NOTES exceed 500 words; 238 with at least 1000 words of notes; 29 with at least 5000 words of notes.

562 songs have enough data in the notes to call for a bibliography of at least three items.

Fun statistics:

The five most popular songs:
1. Bonny Barbara Allan (153 references)
2. The Gypsy Laddie (122 references)
3. The Golden Vanity (121 references)
4. Young Beichan (106 references)
5. Lady Isabel and the Elf Knight (104 references)

(The most popular non-Child Ballad? Frog Went A-Courting, with 100 references; it's co-#8/#9)

6903 songs -- somewhat less than half the song in the database -- have only one reference.

11661 songs are listed as having unknown authors, meaning that 2855 songs have an author listed (not always with certainty).

13815 songs have at least one book reference
3560 songs have at least one recording reference
1386 songs have at least one reference to a broadside in a major collection (Bodleian, etc.)

Horatio Salt And The Book Of The Dead Mac Os Download

6378 songs have been found somewhere in the United States
3881 songs have been found in Britain
2037 have been found in Canada
1721 have been found in Ireland (including Northern Ireland)
417 have been found in Australia
344 have been found somewhere in the West Indies
263 have been found in New Zealand

Version 4.5

Released beginning April 5, 2019.

Changes to the Ballad Index Format

The Index now datestamps entries as they are updated. If users have any reason to think this would be useful to them, let us know and we can make the information available.

Probably more important for casual users is the fact that the online search widget is finally working again.

The Roud Index

This edition coordinates with Roud Index release 114A.

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were fully indexed in Version 4.5:

  • Francis Edward Abernethy, Singin' Texas
  • John Brophy and Eric Partridge, [The Daily Telegraph] Dictionary of Tommies' Songs and Slang, 1914-18
  • Caroline Curtis Brown, My Grandmother's Song Book
  • Robert H. Byington and Kenneth S. Goldstein, Editors, Two Penny Ballads and Four Dollar Whiskey
  • Warren Fahey, Joe Watson: Australian Traditional Folk Singer
  • Steve Gardham, An East Riding Songster
  • Nigel Gatherer (with a Foreword by Peter Shepheard), Songs and Ballads of Dundee
  • Inglis Gundry, Canow Kernow: Songs and Dances from Cornwall
  • S. J. Sackett and William E. Koch, editors, Kansas Folklore
  • Alan Scott, A Collector's Notebook: Words and Music of Thirty-One Traditional Songs
  • Jean Thomas, Devil's Ditties

The following books were partially indexed in Version 4.5:

  • Russel Ward, editor, The Penguin Book of Australian Ballads

This brings the total number of books indexed fully or partially to 364 (305 of them indexed in their entirety), with hundreds more cited in ADDITIONAL entries or the SAME TUNE field.

We now have 14307 different songs (251 more than in the last edition), under 25313 titles. At least 884 songs were added or had their entries updated in version 4.5.

The Supplemental Tradition now contains full or partial texts for 1067 songs.

There are 553 songs for which the NOTES exceed 500 words; 221 with at least 1000 words of notes; 27 with at least 5000 words of notes.

529 songs have enough data in the notes to call for a bibliography of at least three items.

Fun statistics:

The five most popular songs:
1. Bonny Barbara Allan (150 references)
2. The Gypsy Laddie (120 references)
3. The Golden Vanity (118 references)
4. Young Beichan (104 references)
5. The Demon Lover/House Carpenter (102 references)

(The most popular non-Child Ballad? Frog Went A-Courting, with 99 references; it's co-#8/#9)

6811 songs -- somewhat less than half the song in the database -- have only one reference.

11481 songs are listed as having unknown authors, meaning that 2826 songs have an author listed (not always with certainty).

13620 songs have at least one book reference
3535 songs have at least one recording reference
1380 songs have at least one reference to a broadside in a major collection (Bodleian, etc.)

6308 songs have been found somewhere in the United States
3848 songs have been found somewhere in Britain
1930 have been found in Canada
1719 have been found in Ireland (including Northern Ireland)
417 have been found in Australia
341 have been found somewhere in the West Indies
263 have been found in New Zealand

The above is more a measure of the collections indexed than anything else, but it gives you an idea of how many songs a country can kick up.

Version 4.4

Released beginning October 30, 2018.

Changes to the Ballad Index Format

In the runtime Ballad Index application, this release adds the ability to search for the most recent version in which entries were updated.

The Roud Index

This edition coordinates with Roud Index release 113.

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were fully indexed in Version 4.4:

  • Neil Colquhoun, New Zealand Folksongs: Song of a Young Country, expanded (2010) edition
  • Bascom Lamar Lunsford and Lamar Stringfield, 30 and 1 Folk Songs from the Southern Mountains
  • Roy Palmer, The Oxford Book of Sea Songs
  • Brian Sutton-Smith, The Games of New Zealand Children

The following books were partially indexed in Version 4.4:

  • W. Henderson, Victorian Street Ballads
  • Carolyn Rabson, Songbook of the American Revolution

There are a lot of recordings as well. We've now finished the entire MUNFLA/Leach archive (more than 450 songs!).

This brings the total number of books indexed fully or partially to 352 (294 of them indexed in their entirety), with hundreds more cited in ADDITIONAL entries or the SAME TUNE field.

We now have 14056 different songs (343 more than in the last edition), under 24870 titles. At least 1040 songs were added or had their entries updated in version 4.4.

The Supplemental Tradition now contains full or partial texts for 1063 songs.

There are 544 songs for which the NOTES exceed 500 words; 217 with at least 1000 words of notes; 27 with at least 5000 words of notes.

Fun statistics:

The five most popular songs:
1. Bonny Barbara Allan (148 references)
2. The Gypsy Laddie (120 references)
3. The Golden Vanity (116 references)
4T. Young Beichan (101 references)
4T. The Demon Lover/House Carpenter (101 references)

(The most popular non-Child Ballad? Frog Went A-Courting, with 96 references.)

6642 songs -- somewhat less than half the song in the database -- have only one reference.

11276 songs are listed as having unknown authors, meaning that 2780 songs have an author listed (not always with certainty).

6217 songs have been found somewhere in the United States
3791 songs have been found somewhere in Britain
1903 have been found in Canada
1719 have been found in Ireland (including Northern Ireland)
379 have been found in Australia
263 have been found in New Zealand (this is by far the largest increase; this category has increased by more than 300%. This is mostly because of Sutton-Smith)

The above is more a measure of the collections indexed than anything else, but it gives you an idea of how many songs a country can kick up.

Version 4.3

Released beginning May 7, 2018.

Changes to the Ballad Index Format

This version of the Ballad Index now gives you a word count for the NOTES (if there are any. This is algorithmic rather than an actual count (that is, it divides the total number of characters by six to get the word count).

Because Apple has announced the elimination of 32-bit support in future versions of OS X, this edition of the Index has converted to a 64-bit runtime for OS X. This means we have had to drop support for OS X 10.6.8; from now on, it's OS X 10.10 and up.

The Roud Index

This edition coordinates with Roud Index release 111.

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were fully indexed in Version 4.3:

  • Rona Bailey & Herbert Roth, editors, Shanties by the Way
  • Marie Boette, Singa Hipsy Doodle And Other Folk Songs of West Virginia
  • Ray B. Browne, The Alabama Folk Lyric: A Study in Origins and Media of Dissemination
  • Neil Colquhoun, New Zealand Folksongs: Song of a Young Country
  • Gordon S. A. Cox, Folk Music in a Newfoundland Outport
  • Ed Cray, Songs from the Ash Grove
  • L. E. F. English et al, Historic Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Stuart M. Frank, The New Book of Pirate Songs
  • David S. McIntosh (edited by Dale R. Whiteside), Folk Songs and Singing Games of the Illinois Ozarks
  • Alan Mills (with piano accompaniments by Kenneth Peacock), Favorite Songs of Newfoundland
  • Franz Rickaby (edited by Gretchen Dykstra and James P. Leary), Pinery Boys: Songs and Songcatching in the Lumberjack Era
  • John Meredith, Duke of the Outback: The Adventures of 'A Shearer Named Tritton'

The following books were partially indexed in Version 4.3:

  • Francis H. Abbot, collector; Alfred J. Swan, editor, Eight Negro Songs (from Bedford Co., Virginia)
  • Les Cleveland, The Great New Zealand Songbook
  • Phil Garland, Faces in the Firelight
  • Douglas Messerli, Listen to the Mockingbird: American Folksongs and Popular Music Lyrics of the 19th Century

This brings the total number of books indexed fully or partially to 347 (290 of them indexed in their entirety), with hundreds more cited in ADDITIONAL entries or the SAME TUNE field.

We now have 13713 different songs (411 more than in the last edition), under 24266 titles. At least 1371 songs were added or had their entries updated in version 4.3.

The Supplemental Tradition now contains full or partial texts for 1060 songs.

There are 521 songs for which the NOTES exceed 500 words; 211 with at least 1000 words of notes; 27 with at least 5000 words of notes.

Fun statistics:

The five most popular songs:
1. Bonny Barbara Allan (148 references)
2. The Gypsy Laddie (119 references)
3. The Golden Vanity (115 references)
4T. Young Beichan (101 references)
4T. The Demon Lover/House Carpenter (101 references)

(The most popular non-Child Ballad? Frog Went A-Courting, with 96 references.)

6408 songs -- somewhat less than half the song in the database -- have only one reference.

10985 songs are listed as having unknown authors, meaning that 2728 songs have an author listed (not always with certainty).

6193 songs have been found somewhere in the United States
3746 songs have been found somewhere in Britain
1814 have been found in Canada
1708 have been found in Ireland (including Northern Ireland)
379 have been found in Australia
60 have been found in New Zealand

The above is more a measure of the collections indexed than anything else, but it gives you an idea of how many songs a country can kick up.

Version 4.2

Released beginning August 24, 2017.

Changes to the Ballad Index Format

This edition of the Ballad Index Software incorporates a field to record the number of pages in books that are indexed. But only a few dozen books have been checked so far; the data is lacking for most books.

Contrary to our expectations, we were still able to compile this version to run on Mac OS X 10.6.8. But we still expect this to be the last such version. Of course, we've been saying that for quite a while....

The Roud Index

This edition coordinates with Roud Index release 110.

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were fully indexed in Version 4.2:

  • Byron Arnold, Folksongs of Alabama
  • Celia Cologne, arranger; Jean Morrison, researcher, Wiltshire Folk Song
  • Charles L. Edwards, Bahama Songs and Stories
  • Helen Hartness Flanders, Vermont Chap Book, Being A Garland of Ten Folk Ballads
  • John Frye, The Men All Singing: The Story of Menhaden Fishing
  • Patrick W. Gainer, Folk Songs from the West Virginia Hills
  • Barbara J. Garrity-Blake, The Fish Factory
  • Anne Kearney Guigné, The Forgotten Songs of the Newfoundland Outports
  • Emily Lyle, Kaye McAlpine, Anne Dhu McLucas, The Song Repertoire of Amelia and Jane Harris
  • Gale Huntington, The Gam: More Songs the Whalemen Sang
  • Margaret Arnett MacLeod, Songs of Old Manitoba
  • W. K. McNeil, Southern Mountain Folksong
  • Frank Purslow, The Constant Lovers
  • Leonard Roberts, Sang Branch Settlers: Folksongs and Tales of a Kentucky Mountain Family
  • Frank Shay, Barroom Ballads (originally My Pious Friends and Drunken Companions and More Pious Friends and Drunken Companions)
  • Roy Palmer, Folk Songs Collected by Ralph Vaughan Williams
  • Frank M. Warner, Folk Songs and Ballads of the Eastern Seaboard: from a Collector's Notebook

The following books were partially indexed in Version 4.2:

  • Karl Dallas, The Cruel Wars: 100 Soldiers' Songs from Agincourt to Ulster

This brings the total number of books indexed fully or partially to 331 (279 of them indexed in their entirety), with hundreds more cited in ADDITIONAL entries or the SAME TUNE field.

We now have 13302 different songs (499 more than in the last edition), under 23,631 titles. At least 1842 songs were added or had their entries updated in version 4.2.

The Supplemental Tradition now contains full or partial texts for 1060 songs.

There are 479 songs for which the NOTES exceed 500 words; 202 with at least 1000 words of notes; 24 with at least 5000 words of notes.

Fun statistics:

The five most popular songs:
1. Bonny Barbara Allan [Child 84] (145 references)
2. The Gypsy Laddie [Child 200] (119 references)
3. The Golden Vanity [Child 286] (114 references)
4. Young Beichan [Child 53] (100 references)
5T. The Daemon Lover (The House Carpenter) [Child 243] (99 references)
5T. Lady Isabel and the Elf Knight [Child 4] (99 references)

(The most popular non-Child Ballad? Frog Went A-Courting, with 94 references.)

6168 songs -- somewhat less than half the song in the database -- have only one reference.

10734 songs are listed as having unknown authors, meaning that 2568 songs have an author listed (not always with certainty).

6302 songs have been found somewhere in the United States
3725 songs have been found somewhere in Britain
1784 have been found in Canada
1707 have been found in Ireland (including Northern Ireland)
371 have been found in Australia

The above is more a measure of the collections indexed than anything else, but it gives you an idea of how many songs a country can kick up.

Version 4.1

Released beginning November 25, 2016.

Changes to the Ballad Index Format

There have been no major changes to the Ballad Index format, although we've made a few changes for efficiency.

Contrary to our expectations, we were still able to compile this version to run on Mac OS X 10.6.8. But we still expect this to be the last such version.

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were fully indexed in Version 4.1:

  • Roger D. Abrahams, Editor (with music editor George Foss), A Singer and Her Songs: Almeda Riddle's Book of Ballads
  • Bertrand H. Bronson, The Singing Tradition of Child's Popular Ballads
  • Gerald S. Doyle, Old-Time Songs and Poetry of Newfoundland, Fourth edition
  • Gerald S. Doyle, Old-Time Songs and Poetry of Newfoundland, Fifth edition
  • Charles Erskine, Twenty Years Before the Mast
  • Lydia Parrish, Slave Songs of the Georgia Sea Islands
  • Steve Roud and Julia Bishop, editors, The New Penguin Book of English Folk Songs
  • Jan Philip Schinhan, Editor, The Frank C. Brown Collection of North Carolina Folklore, Volume Five: The Music of the Folk Songs

The following books were partially indexed in Version 4.1:

  • (All books added in this version were fully indexed)

This brings the total number of books indexed fully or partially to 313, with hundreds more cited in ADDITIONAL entries or the SAME TUNE field.

We now have 12,803 different songs, under 22,471 titles. At least 1328 songs were added or had their entries updated in version 4.1.

The Supplemental Tradition now contains full or partial texts for 1060 songs.

There are 464 songs for which the NOTES exceed 500 words; 179 with at least 1000 words of notes; 23 with at least 5000 words of notes.

The five most popular songs:
1. Bonny Barbara Allan [Child 84] (139 references)
2. The Gypsy Laddie [Child 200] (116 references)
3. The Golden Vanity [Child 286] (110 references)
4. The Daemon Lover (The House Carpenter) [Child 243] (96 references)
5T. Lady Isabel and the Elf Knight [Child 4] (95 references)
5T. Young Beichan [Child 53] (95 references)

(The most popular non-Child Ballad? Frog Went A-Courting, with 89 references.)

5872 songs -- somewhat less than half the song in the database -- have only one reference.

Version 4.0

Released beginning June 10, 2016.

Changes to the Ballad Index Format

There have been no major changes to the Ballad Index format, although we've made a few changes for efficiency.

Contrary to our expectations, we were still able to compile this version to run on Mac OS X 10.6.8. But this will surely be the last such version.

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were fully indexed in Version 4.0:

  • Roger D. Abrahams, Deep the Water, Shallow the Shore
  • Hugh Anderson, The Story of Australian Folksong
  • William E. Barton, Old Plantation Hymns
  • Margaret Bradford Boni, editor, The Fireside Book of Folk Songs
  • Guy Carawan and Candie Carawan, Ain't You Got a Right to the Tree of Life?
  • Bob Copper, A Song for Every Season
  • R. Nathaniel Dett, Religious Folk-Songs of the Negro as Sung at Hampton Institute
  • Charles J. Finger, Frontier Ballads
  • Arthur Palmer Hudson / Edited by George Herzog assisted by Herbert Halpert, Folk Tunes from Mississippi
  • Loyal Jones (with music transcriptions by John M. Forbes), Minstrel of the Appalachians: The Story of Bascom Lamar Lunsford
  • Reed Smith, South Carolina Ballads
  • Harold W. Thompson, New York State Folktales, Legends, and Ballads

The following books were partially indexed in Version 4.0:

  • Robert Chambers, The Scottish Ballads
  • Gwendolyn A. Morgan, editor and translator, Medieval Ballads: Chivalry, Romance, and Everyday Life: A Critical Anthology
  • Henry Clay Work, songwriter; Bertran G. Work, compiler; H. Wiley Hitchcock, reprint series editor, Songs of Henry Clay Work

This brings the total number of books indexed fully or partially to 305, with hundreds more cited in ADDITIONAL entries or the SAME TUNE field.

We now have 12,593 different songs, under 22,037 titles. At least 1122 songs were added or had their entries updated in version 4.0.

The Supplemental Tradition now contains full or partial texts for 1060 songs.

There are 446 songs for which the NOTES exceed 500 words; 175 with at least 1000 words of notes; 21 with at least 5000 words of notes.

The five most popular songs:
1. Bonny Barbara Allan [Child 84] (136 references)
2. The Gypsy Laddie [Child 200] (113 references)
3. The Golden Vanity [Child 286] (107 references)
4. The Daemon Lover (The House Carpenter) [Child 243] (96 references)
5T. Lady Isabel and the Elf Knight [Child 4] (93 references)
5T. Young Beichan [Child 53] (93 references)

(The most popular non-Child Ballad? Frog Went A-Courting, with 86 references.)

5855 songs -- somewhat less than half the song in the database -- have only one reference.

Version 3.8

Released beginning December 22, 2015.

Changes to the Ballad Index Format

This release includes a major upgrade to the iPhone version of the Index, allowing full integration with Steve Roud's Broadside Index, even on an iPhone (although a larger screen still works better than a small).

Because of upgrades Apple has made to FileMaker Pro, this will probably be the last version for which the Macintosh runtime version will run on OS X 10.6.8.

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were fully indexed in Version 3.8:

  • George G. Carey, Maryland Folk Legends and Folk Songs
  • George G. Carey, Maryland Folklore and Folklife
  • Lester A. Hubbard (with music transcriptions by Kenly W. Whitelock), Ballads and Songs from Utah
  • Charles W. Joyner, Folk Song in South Carolina
  • Sheila Stewart, Queen Amang the Heather: The Life of Belle Stewart
  • Edith B. Sturgis (text collector) and Robert Hughes (music collector and arranger), Songs from the Hills of Vermont (sung by James and Mary Attwood and Aunt Jenny Knapp)
  • Richard Runciman Terry, The Shanty Book, Part I

The following books were partially indexed in Version 3.8:

  • Edith Rickert, Ancient English Christmas Carols
  • Gwendolin Sims Warren, Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit

This brings the total number of books indexed fully or partially to 290, with hundreds more cited in ADDITIONAL entries or the SAME TUNE field.

We now have 12245 different songs, under 21429 titles. At least 610 songs were added or had their entries updated in version 3.8.

The Supplemental Tradition now contains full or partial texts for 1060 songs.

There are 435 songs for which the NOTES exceed 500 words; 169 with at least 1000 words of notes; 19 with at least 5000 words of notes.

The five most popular songs:
1. Bonny Barbara Allan [Child 84] (131 references)
2. The Gypsy Laddie [Child 200] (109 references)
3. The Golden Vanity [Child 286] (105 references)
4. The Daemon Lover (The House Carpenter) [Child 243] (94 references)
5T. Lady Isabel and the Elf Knight [Child 4] (90 references)
5T. Young Beichan [Child 53] (90 references)

(The most popular non-Child Ballad? Frog Went A-Courting, with 86 references.)

5642 songs -- just less than half the song in the database -- have only one reference.

Version 3.7

Released beginning August 20, 2015.

Changes to the Ballad Index Format

There have been no changes to the Ballad Index format.

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were fully indexed in Version 3.7:

  • J. D. Elder, Folk Song and Folk Life in Charlotteville
  • J. D. Elder, Folksongs from Tobago
  • Alton C. Morris, Folksongs of Florida
  • Tom Murray, Folk Songs of Jamaica
  • Roy Palmer, English Country Songbook
  • Roy Palmer, The Painful Plow

The following books were partially indexed in Version 3.7:

  • Walter Jekyll, Jamaican Song and Story

We now have 12157 different songs, under 21192 titles. At least 706 songs were added or had their entries updated in version 3.7.

The Supplemental Tradition now contains full or partial texts for 1059 songs.

There are 433 songs for which the NOTES exceed 500 words; 167 with at least 1000 words of notes; 19 with at least 5000 words of notes.

The five most popular songs:
1. Bonny Barbara Allan [Child 84] (128 references)
2. The Gypsy Laddie [Child 200] (108 references)
3. The Golden Vanity [Child 286] (103 references)
4. The Daemon Lover (The House Carpenter) [Child 243] (91 references)
5T. Lady Isabel and the Elf Knight [Child 4] (89 references)
5T. Young Beichan [Child 53] (89 references)

(The most popular non-Child Ballad? Frog Went A-Courting, with 84 references.)

5589 songs -- just less than half the song in the database -- have only one reference.

Version 3.6

Released beginning March 20, 2015.

Changes to the Ballad Index Format

There have been no changes to the Ballad Index format.

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were fully indexed in Version 3.6:

  • Margaret Bennett, Jerome Just One More Song
  • Edward D. 'Sandy' Ives, editor, Folksongs From Maine: Northeast Folklore Vol. 7, 1965
  • Edward D. 'Sandy' Ives, editor, Twenty-One Folksongs from Prince Edward Island: Northeast Folklore Vol. 5, 1963
  • Katie Letcher Lyle, Scalded to Death by the Steam: Authentic Stories of Railroad Disasters and the Ballads that Were Written about Them
  • Roger L. Welsch, A Treasury of Nebraska Pioneer Lore

No books were partially indexed in this release.

We now have 11927 different songs, under 20831 titles. At least 345 songs were added or had their entries updated in version 3.6.

The Supplemental Tradition now contains full or partial texts for 1059 songs.

There are 410 songs for which the NOTES exceed 500 words; 173 with at least 1000 words of notes; 19 with at least 5000 words of notes.

The five most popular songs:
1. Bonny Barbara Allan [Child 84] (127 references)
2. The Gypsy Laddie [Child 200] (107 references)
3. The Golden Vanity [Child 286] (102 references)
4. The Daemon Lover (The House Carpenter) [Child 243] (90 references)
5. Young Beichan [Child 53] (88 references)

(The most popular non-Child Ballad? Frog Went A-Courting, with 83 references.)

5450 songs -- just less than half the song in the database -- have only one reference.

Version 3.5

Released beginning January 20, 2015.

Changes to the Ballad Index Format

There have been no changes to the Ballad Index format. We have made some code changes which will probably reduce the number of entry errors slightly. We have added substantially to the number of SAME TUNE references.

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were fully indexed in Version 3.5:

  • Simon J. Bronner, editor, 'Folksong Alive: The Field Collection of Sam Eskin Part I,' Midwestern Folklore Volume 38, Numbers 1/2 (Spring/Fall 2012)
  • Simon J. Bronner, editor, 'Folksong Alive: The Field Collection of Sam Eskin Part II,' Midwestern Folklore Volume 39, Numbers 1/2 (Spring/Fall 2013)
  • Len Graham, Joe Holmes: Songs, Music and Traditions of an Ulsterman (2010)
  • William A. Owens, Texas Folk Songs, first edition (1950)
  • William A. Owens, Texas Folk Songs, second edition (1976)

In addition, these books were partially indexed:

  • Vera Brodsky Lawrence, Music for Patriots, Politicians, and Presidents: Harmonies and Discords of the First Hundred Years, (1975)
  • Edwin Wolf 2nd, American Song Sheets, Slip Ballads and Political Broadsides 1850-1870, (1963)

We now have 11876 different songs, under 20755 titles. At least 911 songs were added or had their entries updated in version 3.5.


The Supplemental Tradition now contains full or partial texts for 1056 songs.

There are 409 songs for which the NOTES exceed 500 words; 173 with at least 1000 words of notes; 19 with at least 5000 words of notes.

The five most popular songs:
1. Bonny Barbara Allan [Child 84] (127 references)
2. The Gypsy Laddie [Child 200] (107 references)
3. The Golden Vanity [Child 286] (102 references)
4. The Daemon Lover (The House Carpenter) [Child 243] (90 references)
5. Young Beichan [Child 53] (88 references)

(The most popular non-Child Ballad? Frog Went A-Courting, with 83 references.)

5448 songs -- just less than half the song in the database -- have only one reference.

Version 3.4

Released beginning July 25, 2014.

Changes to the Ballad Index Format

We have revised the software to include Steve Roud's Broadside Index. This does not affect the online index; it's just the downloaded software.

Materials Added in this Edition

No new books were added in this edition.

Version 3.3

Released beginning June 5, 2014.

Changes to the Ballad Index Format

There have been no changes to the Ballad Index format. We have made some code changes which will probably reduce the number of entry errors slightly.

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were fully indexed in Version 3.3:

  • Karen Dolby, Oranges and Lemons: Rhymes from Past Times (2012)
  • Fred High, Old, Old Folk Songs (1952?)
  • Ethel Moore and Chauncey O. Moore, Ballads and Folk Songs of the Southwest (1964)
  • William Wells Newell, Games and Songs of American Children (1903)
  • John J. 'Jack' Niles and Douglas S. 'Doug' Moore (with cartoons by A. A. 'Wally' Wallgren), Songs My Mother Never Taught Me (1929)

In addition, these books were partially indexed:

  • Ken Emerson, Stephen Foster & Co.: Lyrics of America's First Great Popular Songs (2010)
  • Albert Jack, Pop Goes the Weasel: The Secret Meaning of Nursery Rhymes (2008)

We now have 11828 different songs, under 20477 titles. At least 666 songs were added or had their entries updated in version 3.3.

The Supplemental Tradition now contains full or partial texts for 1041 songs.

There are 409 songs for which the NOTES exceed 500 words; 171 with at least 1000 words of notes; 19 with at least 5000 words of notes.

The five most popular songs:
1. Bonny Barbara Allan [Child 84] (124 references)
2. The Gypsy Laddie [Child 200] (104 references)
3. The Golden Vanity [Child 286] (100 references)
4. Young Beichan [Child 53] (88 references)
5. The Daemon Lover (The House Carpenter) [Child 243] (87 references)

(The most popular non-Child Ballad? Frog Went A-Courting, with 80 references.)

An even 5500 songs -- just less than half the song in the database -- have only one reference.

Version 3.2

Released beginning January 2, 2014.

Changes to the Ballad Index Format

A new Bibliography file has been added to the Ballad Index software. And we now make a PDF version of the Index available.

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were fully indexed in Version 3.2:

  • Satis N. Coleman and Adolph Bregman, Songs of American Folks, illustrated by Alanson Hewes (c. 1942?)
  • Edward D. 'Sandy' Ives, Joe Scott: The Woodsman-Songmaker (1978)
  • George Korson, editor, Pennsylvania Songs and Legends (Felinfach, 1949)
  • John A. and Alan Lomax (Ruth Crawford Seeger, music editor), Our Singing Country (1941)
  • Alison McMorland, editor, and Willie Scott, Herd Laddie O the Glen, revised edition (2006)
  • Charles Neely (collector), edited with a foreword by John Webster Spargo, 'Tales and Songs of Southern Illinois' (1938)
  • Daibhi O Croinin, The Songs of Elizabeth Cronin (2000)
  • Irwin Silber, Songs of the Civil War (1960; 1995)
  • Earl J. Stout, Folklore from Iowa (1936)
  • Elmer Griffith Sulzer, Twenty-Five Kentucky Folk Ballads, (1936)
  • Altona Trent-Johns (illustrations by Harold Porter), Play Songs of the Deep South, (1944)
  • Leah Jackson Wolford, The Play-Party in Indiana (1916), [and] Leah Jackson Wolford, edited and revised by W. Edson Richmond and William Tillson, Leah Jackson Wolford's The Play-Party in Indiana (1959)

In addition, these books were partially indexed:

  • John Ashton, Real Sailor-Songs, collected and edited by John Ashton (1891)
  • Dominic Behan, Ireland Sings, (1973)
  • Harold Scott, English Song Book (1926)
  • Alexander Whitelaw, The Book of Scottish Ballads (1845)
  • Alexander Whitelaw, The Book of Scottish Song (1843)
  • Lewis Winstock, Songs & Music of the Redcoats: A History of the War Music of the British Army 1642-1902, (1970)

We now have 11651 different songs, under 20060 titles. At least 1369 songs were added or had their entries updated in version 3.2.

The Supplemental Tradition now contains full or partial texts for 1038 songs.

There are 389 songs for which the NOTES exceed 500 words; 152 with at least 1000 words of notes; 19 with at least 5000 words of notes.

Version 3.1

Changes to the Ballad Index Format

There are no changes to the format.

Materials Added in this Edition

Only one book was fully indexed in Version 3.1:

  • Jim Bob Tinsley, He Was Singin' This Song (1981) (with introductions by Gene Autry and S. Omar Barker).

However, we included ADDITIONAL entries from many more books.

We now have 11247 different songs, under 19266 titles. At least 343 songs were added or had their entries updated in version 3.1.

The Supplemental Tradition now contains full or partial texts for 1027 songs.

There are 384 songs for which the NOTES exceed 500 words; 166 with at least 1000 words of notes; 18 with at least 5000 words of notes.

Version 3.0

Changes to the Ballad Index Format

The major change is the release of new Ballad Index software for Windows 7.0 and higher, Macintosh OS X 10.6.8 and higher, and iPad running FileMaker Go. See the software page for download and installation instructions.

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were added to the Index in version 3.0:

  • Helen Hartness Flanders, Elizabeth Flanders Ballard, George Brown, and Phillips Barry, The New Green Mountain Songster (1939)
  • Frank Kidson, editor, Traditional Tunes 1999 (1891)
  • MacEdward Leach, The Heritage Book of Ballads (1967)
  • Ruth Ann Musick, 'The Old Album of William A Larkin,' The Journal of American Folklore, Vol. LX, No. 237 (Jul-Sep 1947)
  • Patrick O'Shaughnessy, editor, Twenty-One Lincolnshire Folk-Songs (1968)
  • Patrick O'Shaughnessy, editor, More Folk Songs from Lincolnshire, (1971)
  • Patrick O'Shaughnessy, editor, Yellowbelly Ballads Part One (1975)
  • Patrick O'Shaughnessy, editor, Yellowbelly Ballads Part Two (1975)

We now have 11194 different songs, under 19110 titles. At least 526 songs were added or had their entries updated in version 3.0.

The Supplemental Tradition now contains full or partial texts for 1021 songs.

There are 384 songs for which the NOTES exceed 500 words; 166 with at least 1000 words of notes; 18 with at least 5000 words of notes.

Version 2.8

Changes to the Ballad Index Format

There are no changes to the basic format, but we have added a new Table of Contents to make it easier to find songs by title. Also, in the HTML version of the index, the Roud numbers are now live links -- that is, if you click on the Roud number, it will give you a list of those items in the Roud index.

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were added to the Index in version 2.8:

  • Robert Bell, editor, Early Ballads Illustrative of History, Traditions, and Customs and Ballads and Songs of the Peasantry of England (combined edition 1877)
  • Lucy E. Broadwood, English Traditional Songs and Carols (1908)
  • Thomas G. Burton, editor, Tennessee Traditional Singers: Tom Ashley, Sam McGee, Bukka White (1981)
  • James Henry Dixon, Ancient Poems, Ballads, and Songs of the Peasantry of England (1846)
  • Anne Grimes, Stories from the Anne Grimes Collection of American Folk Music (2010)
  • Harold W. Thompson, editor (assisted by Edith E. Cutting) A Pioneer Songster (1958)
  • Evelyn Kendrick Wells, The Ballad Tree (1950)

We now have 11112 different songs, under 18887 titles. At least 444 songs were added or had their entries updated in version 2.8.

There are 381 songs for which the NOTES exceed 500 words; 164 with at least 1000 words of notes; 18 with at least 5000 words of notes.

Version 2.7

Changes to the Ballad Index Format

There are no changes to the format. We are thinking about ways to improve the searching function.

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were added to the Index in version 2.7:

  • Norm Cohen, American Folk Songs: A Regional Encyclopedia, 2008
  • Richard Greene, editor, A Selection of English Carols, 1962*
  • James P. Leary, Compiler and Annotator, Wisconsin Folklore, 2009*
  • Powder River Jack and Kitty Lee's Songs of the Range: Cowboy Wails of Cattle Trails, 1937*
  • James Reeves, editor, The Everlasting Circle, 1960
  • Jan Philip Schinhan, Editor, The Frank C. Brown Collection of North Carolina Folklore, Volume Four: The Music of the Ballads, 1957
  • John I. White, Git Along, Little Dogies: Songs and Songmakers of the American West, 1975*

(Some of the above are short enough that they are simply cited in ADDITIONAL entries rather than having full treatment: these are marked *)

We now have 11003 different songs, under 18652 titles. There are over 39,000 references (excluding Roud references), pointing to something like 30,000 texts, and more than 7900 recording references. Because of duplicates, we cannot give an exact broadside count -- but the number of citations exceeds 3200.

At least 1066 songs were added or had their entries updated in version 2.7.

There are 378 songs for which the NOTES exceed 500 words; 161 with at least 1000 words of notes; 18 with at least 5000 words of notes.

I count 218 books fully or partly indexed, with many more cited in ADDITIONAL entries. At least 883 sources are cited in the NOTES.

Version 2.6

Changes to the Ballad Index Format

We have (not entirely voluntarily) adopted a new search engine format. Other than that, we have not made any substantial changes to the format.

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were added to the Index in version 2.6:

  • Horace P. Beck, The Folklore of Maine (1957)
  • Charles K. Wolfe, Folk Songs of Middle Tennessee: The George Boswell Collection (1977)
  • David Buchan and James Moreira, editors, The Glenbuchat Ballads (2007)
  • Sigrid Rieuwerts, editor, The Ballad Repertoire of Anna Gordon, Mrs Brown of Falkland (2011)
  • Gavin Greig (Kenneth S. Goldstein and Arthur Argo, editors), Folk-Song in Buchan and Folk-Song of the North-East (1963) [now fully indexed]
  • E. B. Lyle, editor, Andrew Crawfurd's Collection of Ballads and Songs, Volume 1 (1975).
  • Iona and Peter Opie, The Singing Game (1985)
  • Harry B. Peters, Folk Songs out of Wisconsin (1977)
  • James Reeves, editor, The Idiom of the People, (1965)
  • Art Rosembaum, Folk Visions & Voices: Traditional Music and Song in North Georgia (1983).
  • Alfred Williams, editor, Folk-Songs of the Upper Thames (1923), plus the additional material from this collection edited by Chris Wildridge.

We now have 10731 different songs, under 18211 titles. There are over 38,000 references (excluding Roud references), pointing to something like 30,000 texts, and more than 7800 recording references. Because of duplicates, we cannot give an exact broadside count -- but the number of citations exceeds 3200.

At least 2306 songs were added or had their entries updated in version 2.6.

The NOTES now include almost 1,400,000 words. There are 358 songs for which the NOTES exceed 500 words; 151 with at least 1000 words of notes; 15 with at least 5000 words of notes.

I count 215 books fully or partly indexed, with many more cited in ADDITIONAL entries. At least 827 sources are cited in the NOTES.

Version 2.5

Changes to the Ballad Index Format

In an effort to make it easier to read and understand the NOTES to songs, we have implemented a new BIBLIOGRAPHY field and format. About 300 songs now have bibliographic data.

We have also implemented a style for multi-part entries, so that extremely long entries will not choke search software.

Finally, we have implemented use of TinyURLs to avoid problems with excessively long URLs.

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were added to the Index in version 2.5:

  • Cecilia Ray Berry, Folk Songs of Old Vincennes
  • Michael Dawney, The Ploughboy's Glory, from the George Butterworth collection
  • Roland Palmer Gray, Songs and Ballads of the Maine Lumberjacks (1916)
  • Patrick Shuldham-Shaw, Emily B. Lyle and Andrew R. Hunter, Eds, The Greig-Duncan Folk Song Collection, Volume 4
  • Patrick Shuldham-Shaw, Emily B. Lyle and Andrew R. Hunter, Eds, The Greig-Duncan Folk Song Collection, Volume 5
  • Patrick Shuldham-Shaw, Emily B. Lyle and Elaine Petrie, Eds, The Greig-Duncan Folk Song Collection, Volume 6
  • Patrick Shuldham-Shaw, Emily B. Lyle and Sheila Douglas, Eds, The Greig-Duncan Folk Song Collection, Volume 7
  • Patrick Shuldham-Shaw, Emily B. Lyle and Katherine Campbell, Eds, The Greig-Duncan Folk Song Collection, Volume 8
  • Gavin Greig, Folk-Song in Buchan and Folk-Song of the North-East
  • (no author listed, but based on recordings of Pearl R. Nye), Scenes & Songs of the Ohio-Erie Canal

We now have 10201 different songs, under 16666 titles. There are over 34,000 references (excluding Roud references), pointing to something like 30,000 texts, and more than 7500 recording references. Because of duplicates, we cannot give an exact broadside count -- but the number of citations exceeds 3000.

At least 2077 songs were added or had their entries updated in version 2.5.

The NOTES now include in excess of 1,200,000 words. There are 306 songs for which the NOTES exceed 500 words; 110 with at least 1000 words of notes; 15 with at least 5000 words of notes.

Admittedly some of that is an effect of me being extraordinarily wordy....

Version 2.4

Changes to the Ballad Index Format

Horatio Salt And The Book Of The Dead Mac OS

Horatio Salt And The Book Of The Dead Mac Os X

There have been no major changes to the Ballad Index format itself.

One reminder: The Ballad Index welcomes contributions to the NOTES on a song. Material which meets our criteria for scholarship will be included even if the the contributor has not otherwise supplied material for the index, and even if the editor disagrees with the conclusions.

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were added to the Index in version 2.4:

  • William Francis Allen, Charles Pickard Ware, and Lucy McKim Garrison, Slave Songs of the United States
  • Gavin Greig, Folk-Song in Buchan and Folk-Song of the North-East (ongoing)
  • Patrick Shuldham-Shaw and Emily B. Lyle, Eds, The Greig-Duncan Folk Song Collection, Volume 1
  • Patrick Shuldham-Shaw and Emily B. Lyle, Eds, The Greig-Duncan Folk Song Collection, Volume 2
  • Patrick Shuldham-Shaw, Emily B. Lyle and Peter A. Hall, Eds, The Greig-Duncan Folk Song Collection, Volume 3
  • James Hogg, The Jacobite Relics of Scotland (First and Second Series)
  • Bruce Jackson, Wake Up Dead Man: Afro-American Worksongs from Texas Prisons
  • Ivan H. Watson and Joe Grimm [with music transcriptions by Lee Murdock], Windjammers: Songs of the Great Lakes Sailors

In addition we have indexed about thirty years of Sing Out! magazine, incorporating songs which are transcribed from properly traditional sources and apparently not included in other publications.

We now have 9365 different songs, under 15580 titles. There are over 32,000 references (excluding Roud references), pointing to something like 28,000 texts, and 7573 recording references. Because of duplicates, we cannot give an exact broadside count -- but the number of citations exceeds 2600.

I find that we now have at least some authorship information on 1864 songs. Whatever that tells you.

The NOTES now include in excess of 950,000 words. There are 217 songs for which the NOTES exceed 500 words; 75 with at least 1000 words of notes; 13 with at least 5000 words of notes.

Version 2.3

Changes to the Ballad Index Format

There have been no major changes to the Ballad Index format itself.

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were added to the Index in version 2.3:

  • Celestin Pierre Cambiaire, East Tennessee and Western Virginia Mountain Ballads (The Last Stand of American Pioneer Civilization)
  • Thomas Crofton Croker, Popular Songs of Ireland
  • M(ichael) C(assius) Dean, Flying Cloud: And One Hundred and Fifty other Old Time Songs and Ballad of Outdoor Men, Sailors, Lumber Jacks, Soldiers, Men of the Great Lakes, Railroadmen,Miners, etc.
  • Warren Fahey & Graham Seal, editors, Old Bush Songs: The Centenary Edition of Banjo Paterson's Classic Collection
  • Neil Graham, The Orange Songster
  • David Hammond, Songs of Belfast
  • H. Richard Hayward, Ulster Songs and Ballads of the Town and Country
  • Maurice Leyden, Belfast, City of Song
  • Guy Logsdon, The Whorehouse Bells Were Ringing And Other Songs Cowboys Sing
  • Mellinger Edward Henry, Songs Sung in the Southern Appalachians
  • Robin Morton, Come Day, Go Day, God Send Sunday
  • Robin Morton, Folksongs Sung in Ulster
  • Sean O Boyle, The Irish Song Tradition
  • Tomas O Canainn, Songs of Cork
  • Herbert Shellans, Folk Songs of the Blue Ridge Mountains
  • Stephen Smyth, D.K. Bushe, and Canon S.E. Long, The Orange Lark

In addition, Paul Stamler contributed much additional information about 78 recordings.

We now have 8752 different songs, under 14692 titles. There are over 30,000 references (excluding Roud references), pointing to over 25,500 texts, and 7551 recording references. Because of duplicates, we cannot give an exact broadside count -- but the number of citations exceeds 2400.

Version 2.2

Changes to the Ballad Index Format

There have been no major changes to the Ballad Index format itself. We have, however, made a substantial effort to make key information more accessible. We have now compiled a list of the songs where the Notes or Historical References contain substantial material not found in the more common ballad references. The list of songs with such notes are summed up in the page on Ballad Index Articles.

Note: Everyone, even those who have not contributed to the Index, are invited to contribute articles.

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were added to the Index in version 2.2:

  • Norm Cohen, Long Steel Rail
  • Joanna C. Colcord, Songs of American Sailormen
  • James Henry Dixon, Scottish Traditional Versions of Ancient Ballads
  • Frederick Pease Harlow, Chanteying Aboard American Ships
  • Stan Hugill, Shanties from the Seven Seas
  • Margaret Larkin, Singing Cowboy: A Book of Western Songs
  • Ewan MacColl, The Shuttle & Cage: Industrial Folk Ballads
  • Jimmy McBride, The Flower of Dunaff Hill and More Traditional Songs Sung in Innishowen
  • Norah & William Montgomerie, Scottish Nursery Rhymes
  • Terry Moylan, The Age of Revolution 1776 to 1815 in the Irish Song Tradition
  • Tom Munnelly and Marian Deasy, The Mount Callan Garland--Songs from the repetoire of Tom Lenihan
  • Jean Ritchie, Folk Songs of the Southern Appalachians (As Sung by Jean Ritchie)
  • Cecil J. Sharp, etc. English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians
  • Cecil Sharp, English Folk Chanteys
  • Paddy Tunney, Where Songs Do Thunder
  • Paddy Tunney, The Stone Fiddle
  • Georges Denis Zimmerman, Songs of Irish Rebellion

We now have 8274 different songs, under 13885 titles. There are 28637 bibliographic references (excluding Roud references) and 7262 recording references. Because of duplicates, we cannot give an exact broadside count -- but the number of citations exceeds 2200.

131 songs have notes exceeding 500 words (3000 characters); most of these are included in the Ballad Index Articles. 38 songs have notes exceeding 1000 words; 18 have notes exceeding 2000 words. Six have notes exceeding 5000 words (though that's arguably just the result of editor Robert Waltz talking too much).

Horatio Salt And The Book Of The Dead Mac Os Catalina

Version 2.1

Changes to the Ballad Index Format

The field names have been slightly changed to facilitate database use. These also made possible significant improvements to the downloadable Ballad Index software. The software has been updated to run on Mac OS X 10.3 or higher.

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were added to the Index in version 2.1:

  • William S. Baring-Gould and Ceil Baring-Gould, The Annotated Mother Goose
  • David Bone, Capstan Bars
  • Helen Creighton, Folksongs from Southern New Brunswick
  • Randall and Dorothy Dibblee, Folksongs from Prince Edward Island
  • Edward D. 'Sandy' Ives, Folksongs of New Brunswick
  • Edward D. 'Sandy' Ives, Drive Dull Care Away -- Folksongs from Prince Edward Island
  • W. Roy Mackenzie, Ballads and Sea Songs from Nova Scotia
  • Louise Manny and James Reginald Wilson, Songs of Miramichi
  • Colm O Lochlainn, Irish Street Ballads
  • Colm O Lochlainn, More Irish Street Ballads
  • Iona and Peter Opie, The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes
  • Joseph Ranson, Songs of the Wexford Coast
  • Dorothy Scarborough, On the Trail of Negro Folk-Songs
  • Dorothy Scarborough, A Song Catcher in Southern Mountains
  • Frank Shay, American Sea Songs and Chanteys

Version 2.0

Changes to the Ballad Index Format

There are two major additions in Version 2.0:

  • Broadside References: References to broadsides in major online collections
  • The Supplemental Tradition: Sample texts or stanzas for certain songs in the Index

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were added to the Index in version 2.0:

  • Omar Blondahl, Newfoundlanders, Sing!
  • Helen Creighton, Songs and Ballads from Nova Scotia
  • Maud Karpeles, Folk Songs from Newfoundland
  • MacEdward Leach, Folk Ballads & Songs of the Lower Labrador Coast
  • Ella Mary Leather, Folk-Lore of Herefordshire
  • Genevieve Lehr and Anita Best (Ed. G Lehr), Come and I Will Sing You
  • John Ord, Bothy Songs and Ballads
  • Kenneth Peacock, Songs of the Newfoundland Outports
  • Shannon Ryan and Larry Small, Haulin' Rope & Gaff: Songs and Poetry in the History of the Newfoundland Seal Fishery
  • William H. Smith and Fenwick Hatt (ed. Edith Fowke), Sea Songs and Ballads from Nineteenth Century Nova Scotia
  • John Stokoe (music arrangements by Samuel Reay), Songs and Ballads of Northern England

We now have 6787 different songs, under 11667 titles. There are 19373 bibliographic references (excluding Roud references) and 5449 recording references. Because of duplicates, we cannot give an exact broadside count -- but the number of citations exceeds 1200.

Version 1.8

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were added to the Index in version 1.8:

  • Olive Woolley Burt, American Murder Ballads and Their Stories
  • Gerald S. Doyle, Old-Time Songs and Poetry of Newfoundland, Third edition
  • Helen Hartness Flanders and George Brown, Vermont Folk-Songs & Ballads
  • Edith Fowke (editor) with Keith MacMillan (music consultant), The Penguin Book of Canadian Folk Songs
  • Harvey H. Fuson, Ballads of the Kentucky Highlands
  • Emelyn Elizabeth Gardner and Geraldine Jencks Chickering, Ballads and Songs of Southern Michigan
  • Elizabeth Bristol Greenleaf and Grace Yarrow Mansfield, Ballads and Sea Songs of Newfoundland
  • Archie Green, Only a Miner: Studies in Recorded Coal-Mining Songs
  • Eloise Hubbard Linscott, Folk Songs of Old New England

We now have 5990 different songs, under 10437 titles. There are 17377 bibliographic references and 5028 recording references.

Version 1.7

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were added to the Index in version 1.7:

  • Phillips Barry, Fannie Hardy Eckstorm, and Mary Winslow Smyth British Ballads from Maine
  • Paul G. Brewster, Ballads and Songs of Indiana
  • Louis W. Chappell, Folk-Songs of Roanoke and the Albemarle
  • John Harrington Cox, Traditional Ballads and Folk-Songs Mainly from West Virginia,
  • Robert Ford, Vagabond Songs and Ballads of Scotland (1904 1-volume edition)
  • Edith Fowke, Lumbering Songs from the Northern Woods
  • Randolph/Cohen -- Vance Randolph, Ozark Folksongs, edited and abridged by Norm Cohen.

In addition, the Index now includes over 4000 references to Steven Roud's Folk Song Index.

Over 1000 78 recordings were added or their entries updated.

We now have 5691 different songs, under 9808 titles. There are 16198 bibliographic references (excluding the Roud references) and 4427 recording references.

Version 1.6

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were added to the Index in version 1.6:

  • H. M. Belden, Ballads and Songs Collected by the Missouri Folk-Lore Society
  • Henry M. Belden and Arthur Palmer Hudson, Eds, The Frank C. Brown Collection of North Carolina Folklore, Volume Two: Folk Ballads from North Carolina
  • Henry M. Belden and Arthur Palmer Hudson, Eds, The Frank C. Brown Collection of North Carolina Folklore, Volume Three: Folk Songs from North Carolina
  • Helen Creighton and Doreen H. Senior, Traditional Songs of Nova Scotia
  • Arthur Palmer Hudson, Folksongs of Mississippi and their Background
  • Franz Rickaby, Ballads and Songs of the Shanty-Boy
  • Jean Thomas, Ballad-Makin' in the Mountains of Kentucky

In addition, the quality of references for several books indexed early on (Randolph, Eddy, Sandburg, etc.) has been upgraded.

Cross-references to Bronson have been introduced for all Child ballads.

We have added in excess of 1000 78 recordings.

These volumes pushed us to the 100 book mark. The Index now has 5516 songs, under 9452 titles; there are 15,258 bibliographic references and 3109 recording references.

Version 1.5

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were added to the Index in version 1.5:

  • Charles W. Darling, The New American Songster: Traditional Ballads and Songs of North America
  • James N. Healy, The Mercier Book of Old Irish Street Ballads, Volume Two: History and Politics
  • Henry, Huntingdon, Herrmann, Sam Henry's Songs of the People
  • Gale Huntington, Songs the Whalemen Sang
  • Peter Kennedy, Folksongs of Britain and Ireland
  • Marjory Kennedy-Fraser and Kenneth Macleod, Songs of the Hebrides
  • [George R. Kinloch], The Ballad Book
  • Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger, Travellers' Songs From England and Scotland
  • Julie Saffel, editor, Cowboy Poetry
  • Mary Wheeler, Steamboatin' Days: Folk Songs of the River Packet Era

In addition, dozens of recordings have been indexed, and there are the usual corrections and additions

Version 1.3

Materials Added in this Edition

The following books were added to the Index in version 1.3:

  • (no author), The Dime Song Book Number 2
  • J. H. Cox, Folk-Songs of the South
  • J. S. Manifold, The Penguin Australian Song Book
  • Meredith/Covell/Brown, Folk Songs of Australian, Volume 2 (the sort-of sequuel to Meredith/Anderson)
  • John & Marcia Pankake, A Prairie Home Companion Folk Song Book
  • Steven Suanders and Deane L. Root, The Music of Stephen C. Foster, Volume 2

In addition, several more recordings have been indexed, and there are the usual corrections and additions

What's New in Ballad Index Software

  • PC Version: The user interface has been revamped to make the Index easier to operate. The cursor control keys (up arrow, down arrow, page up, page down, home, end) have been enabled. You no longer have to press ENTER after single-key commands. Color-coding highlights song titles.
  • Macintosh Version: Some improvements in stability and cosmetic changes. Many changes 'under the hood' in preparation for future releases.
  • Unix Version: Some increases in stabilty.